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Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011

The S Word

The Word is S-E-L-F-I-S-H.

The question is: Why are we so selfish?

Why can't we just forget about ourselves for a moment and think about others? I am not saying we all are, although at least once you have thought solely about yourself and your own benefits.

Even in the small things that don't even require any kind of effort, like maybe helping someone in a topic that you are very acquainted with or just offering to help if anyone need it.

Is that too hard to do?

Will that ruin two digits of your precious clock?

I just keep questioning and thinking...

I've done it several times, perhaps I include myself in this.

I've done it! I've done it! (Nothing I am proud of)

Sometimes it disgusts me and makes me nauseous to think about that fact and how I am capable of perfectly accomplishing it.


Why are we so selfish?

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